Like every business, there are a lot of people who work towards making change, for which Last Farewell is very grateful.
In particular to:
- The funeral companies who have so generously shared with me their processes to enable me to learn even more about their businesses
- The many funeral companies and arrangers who have engaged my services as a funeral celebrant since 2002
- David Nugent for constructing this website
- Helen Shaw
- Jo Fairy from Field of View Sports Photography
- Md Abdul Jalil for the design of Some Things I Might Not Have Told You booklet
- The following photographers who so graciously allowed me to use their work:
Simon Wilkes
Valentin Salja
Rene Molenkamp
Illiya Vjestica
Danielle Franchi
Alexander Mils
With my heartfelt thanks,
Robyn O'Connell